
We Believe... (A Living Vision Statement of Faith)

We, the Living Vision Community, believe it is important at this point in human history to experiment with new forms of spiritual community.

In that experimental spirit, we believe that:

Vital spiritual community can be developed even among participants who do not share the same beliefs or even the same religious persuasion

Genuinely open theological inquiry is a vital enterprise for spiritually minded people in a global society.

Seeking to do the actual things Jesus did is far more important than talking about or dissecting them

To do the things that Jesus and other great spiritual leaders did requires self-sacrifice, risk, and adventure

Hospitality and inclusion are meaningless unless they are offered to everyone. Everything the Living Vision community does is and will always be open to everyone – period.

Serving our fellow humans is important, but to do so in the fashion of Jesus requires us to serve without any strings or expectations attached – ever.

A spiritual community can function without property, a building, or a budget of any kind

A spiritual community can share leadership among its participants in much the same way as an Alcoholics Anonymous group does. We see no reason to pay someone to lead us.

* We'd love to hear your reaction to this evolving statement! Please post your comments! And for more information on Living Vision's experiment, call Toby at 231-881-6734

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Eloise Anna Jones

Eloise Anna Jones
A Reader at 8 months!

papa and Weezie

papa and Weezie
it doesn't get any better than this!